
Using points of view and frame of reference to find out why people see the same reality differently.

Our aim in this post is to present at a high level a model that can visually depict areas of disagreement between at least two people reviewing the same reality. This model is plotting the same reality from different points of view (using a different color per person) by capturing location, time and sequence of

Using points of view and frame of reference to find out why people see the same reality differently. Read More »

Why innovation is still a challenge for many organizations and how a focus on interlinks can help to increase innovation.

The increasing complexity of the business world, mainly driven by the increase of competition and technologies, forces organizations to leverage innovation. In fact, a recent McKinsey study shows that 80% of CEOs think that their current business model is at risk (https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/strategy-and-corporate-finance/how-we-help-clients/growth-and-innovation). The research also shows that only 6% of executives are satisfied with the

Why innovation is still a challenge for many organizations and how a focus on interlinks can help to increase innovation. Read More »


Utilizing science, frameworks and modern concepts we take a unique deep dive into your organization and discover where the best opportunities are to cut stagnation and increase agility and profitability. People are predictable compared to the interlinks they form with others, which tend to be capricious. During our years of senior management at very large organizations,


Daily leadership activities to leverage complexity. 2nd – Do we have the optimal structure?

It doesn’t matter if you have to structure a team of five people or a team of fifty thousand people, in both cases, you need to follow the same logic to organize people. This effort will end up with several options. Some options will be a better fit for your current challenges and the others are less. Thinking and

Daily leadership activities to leverage complexity. 2nd – Do we have the optimal structure? Read More »